Rachel Kerr

Jul 7, 20212 min

Meet Lisa, number one Buddy fan and super vet!

Tell us about yourself...

I’m a veterinarian. I work with companion animals and exotics. I have a special interest in animal behavior and learning. I enjoy hiking with my dogs, freediving, and horseback riding.

How long have you been riding?

I signed up for some lessons at Lincourt Stables a few years ago, but started riding regularly about 3 months ago.

In 2018, I volunteered to treat animals displaced by the Woolsey fires. I was assigned to the horse stables because I had a background in zoo medicine. Donkeys and alpacas were housed there as well. It became very clear to me early on that I have absolutely no clue about horses, and this motivated me to learn more.

What was your earliest equine experience?

I spent a few weeks at an equine summer camp when I was 10 and 11 years old. We cleaned stalls, groomed horses and got to ride some. This was super exciting for a kid growing up in the city and dreaming of becoming a vet one day.

What brought you back to riding?

Patricia, and Buddy too!

Before the pandemic, I would visit an animal sanctuary in Baja California where dozens of horses were rescued from abuse and neglect. Though I was working mostly with dogs and other animals on site, I got to do some really beautiful trail rides. During one of these rides, a rodeo horse who was in the process of rehabilitation turned violent on another horse and injured his rider. This experience was terrifying, but it made me want to become a better rider.

What do you like about riding?

The part where I get to ride a horse :)

What have you learned so far at Lincourt?

Where to begin? Every time I’m at Lincourt, I learn something new.

In addition to riding, I’ve been exposed to horse behavior, horse training, horse breeds, stable management, and riding culture. I am proud to say I can finally get Buddy’s bridle on. I’m currently working on cantering and I LOVE it !!!

Although I use positive reinforcement training on the animals I see every day in practice, it’s been a real challenge figuring out how to do this on horseback. It doesn’t feel natural yet, but I’m excited to see how this progresses.

What are your goals?

Cantering. Jumping. Steering. Sitting trot. Stop getting dragged over to the grass.

At Lincourt Stables we specialize in using Positive Reinforcement to train our horses, if you are interested in learning more about this special way of training please contact us.
